In August of 2023, I met a soulful being named Joseph.
He radiates so much joy and wisdom. We spoke for hours about the power words hold, about speaking intentionally, and about the people and places that have impacted our lives. It was a pleasure getting to know this wise elder.
Joseph spoke about his mother’s mother’s line and the inner power they had, the lessons they taught him and the way he lives on because of them.
It was interesting to see how we live totally different lives, are years apart, met by chance, and we’re going through the same sort of challenges at the time. We were able to support one another and lend a listening ear.
Sometimes that’s all one needs to continue.
We spoke about his connection to mother earth and he showed me to his sacred space. It was a beautiful experience that I cherish. We took this photo at the sacred space. You can see the joy we radiate.

The film I shot of Joseph is of him in his power, deeply rooted and deeply knowing where he stands in the web of it all.
Yesterday, I shared this image with him and he called me to share that he’s never seen himself in this light. When looking at it, he sees the power his mother held. He told me about how he saw his mother’s name in the morning written down at a cafe and then saw her in this image and he really felt her presence when looking at it. Hearing those words warmed my heart.
In the summer 2023 I started a new project, just days before I met Joseph, when my artist block was lifted, It was after hearing Steph speak at the Unrealistic Workshop. I decided I would do a photo project in honor of my dear friend Moose who passed away months before. It would be a photo essay on the people who’ve touched my heart. I knew Joseph would be in this project. Speaking with him just sparked my creative energy. The loss and grief we felt and the comfort we both received from this image was a truly beautiful experience.